Complete Employee Management Solution with HRMatrix

An HR department can manage all employee-related operations from recruitment to resignation. Many of the features included in HRMatrix ensure better employee-management relations. The special features including employee background verification, exit and entry formalities, time off management, and file management features make the operation of any company smooth. In short, HRMatrix is a tangible solution for all employee-related needs of a company.

In the HRMatrix the user can find a solid dashboard. This helps the Human Resource Manager to get a clear picture of the upcoming events, training programs, birthday updates, timesheets, leave allocation requests, job applications, monthly leave analysis, and other documents. Graphic analysis of the number of employees who joined and resigned in a particular period, and leave analysis can also be provided in the dashboard. Besides, department wise documentation of leave applications and other details can also be accessed from the dashboard. Some of the benefits of the HRMatrix dashboard feature are listed below.


Employee Management

Employee Management System is also a feature that is available in HRMatrix. With the Employee management module, an HR manager tracks the job history, job position and designation, salary history, contract history, salary change, and contract change of the employees working in the organization/company.

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Employee Training Management

The Employee Trainee module is one of the unique and best features that is available in HRMatrix. With the help of the Training module you can easily assign the training to the employees of the organization. An HR of the company/organization you can add the training category for the specific employee. This step will make a tremendous impact on the organization.

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Employee Department Management

An employee management system is a core part of HR. Employee management focuses on the employee to ensure they are performing their best in order to achieve bigger organizational goals. HRMatrix offers this module and an hr can easily manage the employee departmental information.

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Employee Benefits

Benefits are any perks offered to employees in addition to salary. The most common benefits are medical, disability, and life insurance; retirement benefits; paid time off; and fringe benefits. HRMatrix offers an employee benefit module. An HR easily adds the benefit of the employee like Health, Life Insurance benefits etc.


Employee Documents

Employee document management is useful to help store and manage documents. Various documents including passport, driving license, appraisal, contract, and insurance policy documents of employees can be managed with the document management feature. A checklist of documents will help to select the document from the list. Experience certificates and other documents can also be saved and updated.

Document template features also are arranged in HRMatrix for HR purposes. It helps to store all documents including documents on company policies, offer letters, governance code, code of conduct for employees, and other documents in a distinctive way.

In the document tab for employees, all documents regarding an employee can be updated with ease. There will be a smart button on the employee's page where he/she can also check the documents. Configuring document types is also made possible with HRMatrix.