What NOT To Do With an Insubordinate Employee?
What NOT To Do With an Insubordinate Employee?
Conflicts occur all the time. While we have discussed the do’s in regard to conflict management and mitigation, we have not addressed the don’ts. The don’ts are equally as important because many employers do not know how to properly deal with conflicts and fall into tactics that are not conducive to seeking resolution. HRMatrix is here to provide you with important tips and guidance to help you manage conflict and deal with insubordinate employees. We understand that it is quite frustrating to handle difficult employees! Use these pointers to navigate through conflicts.
Don’t Take it Personally
It is important that you avoid taking conflicts personally. Employees view management as an archetype. While it definitely is not okay to just “roll with the punches,” you must not personally apply comments and discussion to yourself on a personal note. Employees are typically not addressing who you are as a person but rather your authority as a boss. When employees feud with you, they might present low blows and hurtful comments. You should respond to them with appropriate action but you should involve your emotions because this will impede the overall mitigation process.
Don’t Be Emotional
If in the case that the employee has insulted you on a personal level, it is imperative that you don’t lose control over your emotions because it can push the conflict further. When you lose your cool, you might retort with the same type of parlance which would be unnecessary and certainly unprofessional. You are to avoid being unprofessional as employees look up to you and when you are handling an insubordinate employee, you are essentially setting an example to the rest of your employees.
Don’t Directly Apply Punishment
The first thing employers and management do is think of a punishment that is appropriate to the level of conflict. Yes, it is important that you carefully apply punishment, you should not rely on it instinctually. Have an actual discussion with the insubordinate employee to better understand the source of the conflict. This will surely improve your mitigation skills as you apply communicative efforts and listen to the employee before making a “knee-jerk” decision. When you have a thorough conversation that addresses all of the moving parts of the conflicts you are left to deal with, then make a decision that is suitable. Your employees will respect you for your mindfulness.